"Joyful, Joyful"
Donations of Goods or Services at No Charge
All Carts (Golf Carts)
Bakersfield Police Department (Traffic/Crowd control)
Buddy & Greta Pritzer (Hospitality, gone 2022)
Clifford-Bradford (Insurance w/o fee)
BC Women’s Volleyball, Teen Challenge Women (Banner carriers)
Jim Burke Ford (Truck for Santa float)
Kern County Superintendent of Schools (Larry Reider Pre-parade meeting space)
Kim Ballew (Judges Coordinator)
KUZZ (Meeting Space)
Marcom Group (WebSite Host)
MD Atkinson (Marketplace)
Premier Equipment (11 Light towers donated, others & fuel extra))
Raymond’s Trophies (3- Float Trophies and 1- Sweepstakes)
Richard and Lori Eskew (Santa & Mrs. Claus’ assistants)
Roger Upton Designs (Santa float design)
SC Communications (2-way Radios)
Self Help Credit Union (Marketplace, NE corner 21st & “H”)
Weill Center (Hospitality/Control Point property)
Westchester Kiwanis (Back of house coordination)
***Add Hicks regarding new owner of former Clifford-Bradford (Marketplace parking lots)